How many years have the agencies been serving the community?
GENERATIONS HEALTH CARE, INC. has been in business since 2010.
COMMUNITY FIRST HOSPICE CARE OF HOUSTON -has been in business since 2019
EXCELLENCE BILLING SERVICES- has been in business since 2020
Are the agencies licensed?
Some states require that providers have licenses to operate. A licensed provider has met basic legal and operating requirements mandated by the state. Every GENERATIONS agency meets all required licensing regulations in the state where we operate.
Are the agencies certified?
State certification by state health departments makes a home health and hospice provider eligible for Medicare (and sometimes Medicaid) payments. A certified provider must meet and maintain basic federal and state standards when providing patient care.
Who will be coming to my home?
Our Hospice companies will assemble a care team based on your specific needs. This team may include a combination of skilled medical professionals and aides who will do everything possible to bring you to your optimal level of comfort.
How are the agency's health care professionals screened?
All licensed and unlicensed caregivers employed by our companies undergo a pre-employment screening and criminal background check.
Can the caregivers legally work in the U.S.?
Yes, all companies comply with all federal and state regulations regarding work status.
How are the caregivers supervised and monitored to ensure adequate care?
All services are provided under the direct supervision of a nurse. Regular phone and in-person supervisory visits are made by our professional staff
Customer Service
When are services available?
Our caregivers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Services are intended to accommodate your schedule and can generally be planned in accordance with your preferences. You can call our office directly during normal business hours Monday through Friday. An on-call nurse is available after-hours and weekends.
Excellence Billing staff are available Monday through Friday between 8 am - 5 pm. Services are intended to accommodate your schedule and can generally be planned in accordance with your preferences. You can call our office directly during normal business hours.
Can the agency ensure my confidentiality?
Our companies handle patient information in a confidential manner to guarantee HIPAA compliance.